You can display the name of the current working directory with the pwd command. 您可以使用pwd命令显示当前工作目录的名称。
This display may seem awkward, but the run command executes your script file as if you were typing the commands directly into the ij tool. 这种显示可能有些笨拙,但run命令会执行您的脚本文件,就像您直接将命令键入ij工具中一样。
You can start exploring a bit more simply by typing man curl at your command prompt to display the complete usage information for the curl command. 您只需在命令提示符处键入mancurl显示curl命令的完整使用信息,就可以开始了解更多内容。
You display a dialog box of your choice using the command's options, then capture the result and perform some logic based on that value. 您使用命令选项显示您选择的对话框,然后捕获结果并基于该值执行一些逻辑。
You can display the current Linux kernel setting using the lpcs command 使用lpcs命令显示当前的Linux内核设置
You may display the kernel ring buffer using the dmesg command, which displays these messages on standard output. 可以使用dmesg命令显示内核环缓冲区,会在标准输出上显示这些消息。
This menu-URL causes a new top-level menu to display before the Help menu containing one menu-item with our sample command. 这个菜单URL将在Help菜单之前显示一个新的顶级菜单,Help菜单中包含一个菜单项和示例命令。
The output image will not display using the xview command on my Linux machine. 在我的Linux机器上使用xview命令将不能显示输出图像。
You can display it by running the ifconfig command. 可以通过运行ifconfig来显示它。
In addition to the top command, you can also display niceness values using the ps command. 除了top命令之外,您还可以使用ps命令显示niceness值。
Click the right mouse button to display the menu, and then click the command. 可单击鼠标右键显示此菜单,再单击所需命令。
We're going to use this to display the output of the FFMPEG command. 我们将使用这个小部件来显示FFMPEG命令的输出。
The display appears in a command window, not in a web browser. 显示出现在命令窗口中,而不是web浏览器中。
Display system applied in the construction of emergency command system 显示系统在应急指挥系统建设中的应用
Display the drop-down completion window in the command window. 在命令窗中示下拉式完成窗。
A knight honored for valor; entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command. 因英勇而被授予荣誉的骑士;被授权可以显示一块方旗并且掌握更高的命令权。
Display help for current task or command 显示当前任务或命令的帮助
Display inline images command 显示内嵌之图象命令
To display or hide the status bar, use the status bar command in the view menu. 要显示或隐藏状态栏,使用“查看”菜单中的“状态栏”命令。
ScreenTips are small windows that display descriptive text when you rest the pointer on a command or control. 屏幕提示是将指针停留在命令或控件上时显示描述性文本的小窗口。
To display confirmation prompt help on the command line. 可以在命令行上显示确认提示帮助。
The Refitting Design of Random-scan CRT Display System in Command Control System 指控系统随机扫描方式CRT视频显示系统改装设计
Technology of Information Display on Radar or Command System 应用于雷达或指挥系统中的信息显示技术
Ergonomic Experimental Research of the Display Format of HUD Ground-Air Data Transferring Command in New Fighter 新型歼击机平显地空数传指令显示方案的工效学实验研究
To produce excellent display works requires a good command of knowledge and experience, and grasping overall designing, which includes flat, stereoscopic design and color, etc, is more important. 做好展示设计,除了具备对材料的熟悉和使用经验外,更重要的是对整体设计的把握,主要包括平面、色彩、立体空间等方面的创意设计。
When there is no element input, the software inputs the present point information of target the shooters operate the scatter-gun according to the displayer indicator and shoot according to the display information and shooting command. 无诸元输出时,软件向机枪输出目标现在点信息,射手根据显示器指示转动机枪,并根据显示情况和射击指令进行射击。
Based on the necessity analysis of the sound control generation of situation chart, this paper presents the designing thought, function, data flowchart and structure for graphic display intelligence system for sound control command by computer, its peripheral device and voice recognizer. 本文在分析声控产生态势图必要性的基础上,提出了利用计算机及其外围设备和语音识别器构成声控指挥图形显示智能系统的设计思想、功能、数据流程和结构。
This paper discusses the importance of VFP in display in multimedia teaching, as well as the command technology of foreground color, background color, style and size based on the classroom teaching of Visual FoxPro. 文章论述了在VFP多媒体教学中显示界面的重要性,并从VISUALFOXPRO的课堂教学出发,阐述了教学显示界面的前景颜色、背景颜色、字体、字号的控制技术。
With a view to the display deficiency of the present command automatization system in our troops, a subsystem with icon is designed and realized. 针对现役指挥自动化系统显示部分存在的不足,设计并实现了一个图标化的显示分系统。
The operation display system has strong expansibility, so various functions could be added to according to idiographic equipments. The operation display system will be applied in military command system with further design, of which the information resources are radars. 操控显示系统具有较强的扩展性,可以针对具体设备添加功能,进一步扩展后能够应用于以雷达为信息源的军事指挥系统中。